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Join us every Sunday at 10:00 am, in-person or online!
PAOC's Bible colleges and seminaries are an integral part of our Fellowship, training godly leaders both for ministry and vocation.
These Bible colleges enrich the present vitality and future health of the local church, denomination (district and national), Canadian, and international ministries. They engage people on their journey to fulfil God's call on their lives.
We invite you to learn more about what our Bible colleges have to offer by clicking below or on each name above.
The decision to enroll in post-secondary studies is a big one! Even if you can’t move to Mississauga to study at our main campus, we want to make Christian education as accessible as possible. That’s why we are partnering with local churches to establish Church Hubs. These learning centres allow you to integrate your MCS-Horizon studies with ministry and learning in your local church context. Through a strategic partnership, MCS and Horizon are establishing Church Hub learning centres in both rural and urban settings.
Church Hubs: Learning Centres Across Canada
A Church Hub is…A church-based learning centre that allows students to integrate their studies at MCS-Horizon (what’s this?) with ministry and learning in their local church context. A Hub can be designed to serve the specific needs of the church and will have at least one ministry leader designated as supervisor-mentor.
Churches create a supportive learning environment for students and their peers by providing time and space to watch online class instruction and plug them into ministry service.
When you START at MCS, you’ll be educated, equipped, and empowered to go ANYWHERE and be engaged in serving wherever He calls you.
What’s expected of a Church Hub?
Each Church Hub will identify ministry opportunities for the student(s) and identify a Supervisor-Mentor who will meet periodically with the student(s) and report to the college by filling out an assessment form for each student at the end of each semester. Other requirements will vary depending on how much the church wishes to invest in their students and the desired level of college training.
1) Single Student Hub
A church that has one student ready to engage in ministry training at their church. Students will take classes remotely, although they may choose to travel once to four times a year to take a one-week module on campus.
2) Multi-Student Hub
A church that has more than one student ready to engage in ministry training at their church and who may be willing to have other students from the area join their students as they engage in courses from MCS-Horizon (students from churches in the local area will typically engage in ministry at their respective home churches). While students will take most classes remotely, they may choose to travel once to four times a year to take a one-week module on campus and some classes may include in-person instruction at the Church Hub.
3) Destination Church Hub
A church that provides housing for multiple students, enabling them to engage in ministry training at the Church Hub. The cost of housing is to be determined by the Hub Church. MCS-Horizon will promote the hub as a location where students might choose to live and serve while they complete their programs. The church may also be willing to have other students from the local area join their students as they engage in courses from MCS-Horizon (students from churches in the local area will typically engage in ministry at their respective home churches). While students will take most classes remotely, they may choose to travel once to four times a year to take a one-week module on campus and some classes may include in-person instruction at the Church Hub.
4) Regional Church Hub
A church in a region where multiple churches are working together to establish a location where students from various churches will study together. Students from churches in the region will engage in ministry at their respective home churches. Students from outside the region are also welcome to move to study at the Regional Church Hub and serve at one of the churches in that region. While students will take most classes remotely, some classes may include in-person instruction at the Regional Church Hub.
“We have been early adopters with the Church Hub and it has been amazing for our church and leaders. I don’t have to send my best leaders away – they stay and continue to serve while they learn in their context. I am very excited about all of this! I’m glad other districts can benefit from it!”
– Michael Fischer, Lead Pastor at Calvary Temple Brandon, MB
“Being able to take courses online enables me to continue my studies while fulfilling my calling as a Lead Pastor. One of the most valued parts of education is the classroom setting. A sense of community in the classroom, and the ability to learn from others, is paramount. The college did an excellent job of making online courses foster a sense of community and opened the door for me to learn from others.”
– Taylore Anstey, Arnold’s Cove, Newfoundland
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